A UFO didn't really land in the middle of an industrial park. Instead the Longmont Police Department's Mobile Command Unit parked in front of the building. After an hour or so of standing around, not being able to see anything and watching the golden hour of light fade away, I was getting nervous.

The cops said they were investigating a possible meth lab in two of the units. Usually, this means members of the "Joe Public" are cordoned off far away for safety, making my job difficult to say the least. To my surprise once the detectives and firefighters started suiting up a Sgt. came to my rescue. He placed me about 10' from the two units and left me there. Some cops are cool.

I thought for sure I would be kicked out after one of the space men pulled a "death bag" out of the dumpster, but no, I was left alone. I usually don't question carte blanche access, but after seeing that thing I just had to ask if I was inhaling any dangerous chemical fumes.

If any of you have ever seen a meth lab investigation, it is a lot of sitting around. But at least I didn't have to be in the space suit breathing bottled air like these guys and fortunately I was able to skip out on the fire hose shower...Yippee
Nice, they put in there to see if you'd get high. At least it was in the city limits right?
Way to grease those officers up there the last three years to get some good access. Boulder PD hates the press. We take them to task when they shoot at us with pellet guns and gas.
Maybe there'll be some "fun" on The Hill tonight?
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