Well, I am almost caught up on sleep. I had the opportunity to cover a World Series between the Boston Red Sox and the Colorado Rockies at Coors Field. What an amazing experience.

I was thinking of the biggest game I have ever covered and I could only think of the Avs in the Stanley Cup Playoffs, the Broncos in the AFC Championship game and some Nuggets playoff games. These two games beat those hands down. I had fun, met some cool people and for the first time ever I wasn't bored out of my mind covering baseball. These are a few of my favs from Game 4.

At first I was a little bummed we didn't get one spot on the field, but I actually liked my first concourse position a little better. The background is a lot cleaner and the view of every position is really good.

Of course, Lewis, and the man with the editing skills, Rick, and I had to have our photo taken by friend Barry from the Rocky. Thanks, Barry!
To see some more photos you can visit my sportsshooter page
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