When I was a kid I grew up on a few forested acres outside of Alma, Colo., in a log house that didn't have a t.v. or phone. Computers were only in big businesses and I think we had one in our school somewhere, but I never got to use it. People now sometimes ask, "What did you do all day?" We kept ourselves occupied with minimal items and obtained a huge appreciation for the outdoors and its beauty.
This weekend I re-visited those feelings of my youth as I sat on a porch miles east of Yampa, Colo., overlooking a 4,000 acre ranch surrounded by 20,000 acres of National Forest.
This is how I rang in the New Year. I did nothing at a ranch owned by my uncle's longtime friend and business associate.
It was great to get away from the television, internet, email, phone, work, and everything we call "civilization." I didn't miss surfing the 'net or watching the news, but I did have to run to town to buy a few newspapers. I was going through withdrawals without that item, I will admit. Plus, who needs the Brian Williams' of the world when you can sit and drink black tar coffee with a Cow Boss named Mike for a few hours? He is a great guy with practical and worldly knowledge. The frame of him is my favorite by the way.
I am so happy I got away. I now feel refreshed and ready for 2009, especially after making a few frames for myself, with no pressures of work, deadlines, editors or audiences. These frames were for me and me alone, but now I feel like sharing. Happy New Year!
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