Saturday, June 9, 2007

Athlete Portraits

In March I was assigned to shoot a portrait of a baseball player on a hitting streak. It is my job to creatively think of ways to take a portrait. Many times I like to sleep on a concept for a few days prior to the shoot. I have my best ideas when I sleep, and many times I forget them by the time I wake up. Bummer, if I could remember maybe I would be really creative!
So, on a whim I lit this kid "creatively." Or maybe not, I dunno.

Fast forward to this week. The sports editors decided to make the same kid Athlete of the Year. Needless to say his streak continued. I, once again, was assigned to this story. There is nothing like thinking of another "creative" idea based on the same exact concept with the same exact athlete. I mean, his Mom has to like the second photo even more, right?

My first thought was to shoot him through a smashed windshield or a crushed car. But, Longmont doesn't have a plethora of "auto salvage businesses." Don't call 'em "junk yards," by the way.

What we do have is an old sugar mill. The place is creepy and I have always wanted to take a portrait in the blight stricken building. Anyway, after lugging one generator, two lights, a soft box, a grid, extension cords and nearly stepping on a rotten fox corpse, this is what I came away with...Thanks to my co-worker, Brad for his help in carrying the stuff and being a second set of eyes. I'm just happy we have more time to work with athletes like Ben Packard for longer than 10 min. Can you see a pro player hanging around for two hours while things came together? If you don't believe the rotten fox corpse part, just ask and I will send you the photo. I lit that, too.


JL said...

I'm jealous, you get a couple days to "think it over?"
I'm lucky to get five minutes to react to the situation. Nice light and that's great he was willing to hang out and let you play.

I like the last one's composition, but his face is a bit too small in the frame. So I'm going to go with the position of him in the first frame, but in the second frame's setting. Ha!

The original portrait is dandy, despite the small face factor. The light on the bat makes it work.

Nice work, as usual though.

Anonymous said...

Let me clear up something for your boy Josh: JBuck gets time on some assignments and literally SECONDS on others. His face ... yadda yadda ... a bit too small ... yadda yadda yadda. What a ball buster.

Looks awesome, per usual, JB.

I want to see the corpse. Oh, and Brian and Kim say hello....

Joshua Duplechian said...

Extremely nice work Josh. As usual you have found a way around the grind of the daily assignments to make something truely creative. Keep it up buddy.