Wednesday, December 24, 2008


I like taking portraits of actors. They always come with ideas, are open to anything and don't need coaching. I'm not a very good coach, by the way. Don Fried is a play writer and was featured in the Times-Call this year after his first original production hit the stage. For our annual "Where Are They Now" series, we caught up with Mr. Fried, who has been writing more and more. His current play is titled "The Debate," in which he portrays Charles Darwin. No lights, no gimmicks, just straight photography for this one. Can you guess which one ran on today's A1 or which would you choose? 122408actor1122408actor3


janel said...

I know which one I like the question in my mind...#1. Hope you are enjoying the holiday..your photography is the reason we still subscribe to the TC.

Anonymous said...

When you can't pick one (or when the intern can't pick one) just go with all three of them...