Well, I just turned on the sprinkler system just last week. I guess that's what it takes to get some snow up in here. By the way, I fertilized yesterday, so the grass may be greener when this wet stuff melts.
From sledders to dogs, up and down three highways, to the lonely trucker, I photographed the snow storm survival for the better part of the day. I did learn one thing in my little venture out: If I ever become an over the road truck driver I will have a laptop and iPhone. How this guy from El Paso is surviving I do not know. See, he had an accident a couple months ago up in the Northwest. His rig is still there, so for the time being he has a loner. No CB, no T.V., no CD player in this rig, just a simple cell phone, some Micky D's, a half-eaten bag of pecans (because he got a case of them out of the last load he hauled) and a bunch of time. Good luck, buddy.

Loved your photos in the paper today, and so glad to see them in your blog. Stay warm. Thanks!
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