Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Great Debate - Health Care

Health Care Reform - Images by Joshua Buck

Journalists are trained, and strive, to be objective every single day. I try my best when photographing everything be objective. I must show both sides. I must listen. I must keep it fair and truthful. It is my job to inform the readers and be creative without skewing the story.

This week I have been assigned two meetings with Colorado congresspeople, Jared Polis and Betsy Markey, as they met with constituents about health care reform. Even before these great debates came home, I was keeping tabs on the plan. Not because I am a news junkie, but because my wife works in preventative health care and her group specializes in the health care management for mainly indigent patients with chronic disease. While "preventative care" is sort of buzz word nowadays, just a few short months ago very few people gave a damn. To be honest I only have one question.

How will my family's life change when this happens?

I feel a little selfish thinking this way, but in the grand scheme of things we would be forced to restructure our entire lives if this change leaves us short. If you don't think change is coming, you're not keeping tabs. Because my friends, it's a comin'. I'm not saying it is good, nor am I saying it is bad. All I'm really saying is we must be prepared.